23 Reasons why you should start a Podcast in 2022

Want to start a podcast in 2022? Here's all the convincing you need to record your first episode.

23 Reasons why you should start a Podcast in 2022
You've been wanting to start a podcast for ages, but haven't taken the plunge. Waiting for the right time? What if we tell you that the right time is now?
Here's all the convincing you need to start a podcast in 2022.

1. Scratch your creative itch

Whether you're passionate about space or true crime — podcasts pose to be a great medium to scratch your creative itch. There's nothing more satisfying than speaking about what you love and attracting listeners who share similar passions.
However, potential creatives often entrust their passions to the realms of hobbies, too skeptical to turn them into fulfilling careers.
Thanks to its super easy barrier to entry, almost anyone can create a podcast that is financially rewarding too.
Consistency is all that you need.

2. An upward trend in podcast listeners

In 2020, total podcast listeners globally stood at 332.2 million internet users and grew up to a whopping 383.7 million in 2021. Numbers don't lie — people are clearly loving podcasts.
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3. Collaborate with CEOs

CEOs and founders often look for ways to garner more eyeballs for their businesses. Pitching them to get on your podcast can actually turn out to be a win-win situation. When you constantly rub shoulders with industry experts, eventually you end up being recognized as an industry expert too.

4. Get invited to speak at industry events

Fancy the idea of impacting hundreds and thousands of people face to face?
Podcasting is your golden ticket to foray into the world of public speaking.
In 2015 Matt Johnson started a podcast called 'Real Estate Uncensored', with his co-host Greg McDaniel. He extensively wrote about how podcasting opened a slew of incredible speaking and writing opportunities, and the life-altering experience that came with it.
You too can get started on your podcasting journey with Listnr.

5. Easier than ever to monetize

There are innumerable ways to monetize a podcast.
  • Sponsorship deals, referrals, dynamic ad revenue, merchandise, crowdfunding, newsletters, and premium content.
  • Collaboration with advertising networks.
  • Indirect ways could be hosting or speaking at big events, 1:1 consultation calls, or affiliate links.
  • Cross-media. Homecoming, lore, serial, and evil are examples of podcasts that turned into movies and TV shows.
  • Cryptocurrency micropayments too are in the line to be explored.
  • Philanthropy.
John Bunn & Nick Miller, made over $250,000 in their first 18 months of running their podcast titled 'How to Film Weddings'.

6. Podcasts are good for the brain

A study conducted in 2016 by UC Berkeley found that listening to narrative stories (similar to podcasts) leads to the stimulation of multiple parts of your brain. The adrenaline rush from crime podcasts or the spike in endorphins from comedy podcasts. Due to the lack of visual stimuli, podcasts tend to spark the imagination.

7. Breakthrough the content shock

Content creation has grown at an astronomical rate.
Until 5 years ago, brands and individuals were witnessing good organic reach on YouTube, Facebook, and the likes, but today even great quality content ends up getting buried in the trenches of the internet.
Because such an increase in content creation has eclipsed our capacity to consume it. And we have reached a point of content shock.
Low competition increases discoverability. It is the perfect time to embrace less tapped markets like podcasting.

8. Generate leads like it's nobody's business

Business owners that run podcasts, can generate leads by inviting other business owners to speak as guests. Since podcasts are known to build deep connections, you never know when an invite turns out to be a fruitful collaboration, both on a personal and financial front. Owning a podcast differentiates you from regular sales folks.

9. Evergreen content

Podcasts live forever. Whether 12 days or 12 years, podcasts can be referenced in any talk, press, or media. Unlike other forms of content that lose their spark after a sprint of virality — podcasts are a breath of fresh air.

10. Respite from screen fatigue

The time we spend in front of screens has skyrocketed since the pandemic, resulting in mindless scrolling — which has taken a toll on mental health for many. That is why more and more people are opting for a digital detox to promote self-care.
That's where audio enters. According to a survey by Spotify, "One in three respondents said they tune into podcasts because they are screenless."
As we humans tune into a more conscious way of living, podcasts do come in handy.

11. Target high net worth individuals

45% of listeners have a net household income of over $250,000. Podcasts thus attract wealthier and more educated segments of the audience.
An increase in purchasing power increases the chances of them buying from you too.
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12. Potential to repurpose

A single podcast episode can be spun into graphics, audiograms, tweets, blogs, email copy, and video clips. Podcasters who add this clever trick to their marketing strategy see incredible results.
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13. Parasocial Intimacy

Researchers from UC San Diego’s Rady School, UCLA, and UC Berkeley stated:
“As podcast listenership rose over the pandemic, reports emerged of people developing a kind of parasocial intimacy with podcast hosts – feeling, in some cases, like they were friends. Now, new research has revealed that how we chose to listen to podcasts could actually be enhancing our perceived intimacy with their hosts."
Yes, videos and social media posts are engaging; but podcast conversations are impromptu making them more authentic and valuable. Plus, the element of the human voice adds to it.
Looking to build deep connections and touch hearts? Start podcasting.

14. Take advantage of podfade

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Podcast death is common. According to Amplifi media, “podfade” stands at a whopping 50%.
Ideas are easy, but execution is what matters. If you worry about the competitive aspect of podcasting, this is for you. As long as you are consistent with recording your podcasts, you are good.
Plus, with Listnr, you can literally record your podcast episodes in a jiffy.

15. Interactive content is the future

Since podcast hosts have the autonomy to answer questions or take polls podcasting can feel like a super interactive experience. This level of brand-to-customer interaction is found less in other content types.

16. 41% of people trust podcast ads more

If you run a podcast, there will be a point when you will dive into podcast advertising.
And we have good news for you.
41% of listeners said they trust ads more if they hear them in a podcast, and 81% are likely to take action on it. Podcast’s hyper-targeting yields incredible ROI, which means more and more brands are about to join the bandwagon.

17. Crazy growth in ad spend

Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC’s 2021 U.S. Podcast Advertising Revenue Study have forecasted that in 2022 advertising revenues will transcend $2 billion and in 2024  it may rise up to $4 billion.
More and more marketers are including podcast advertising in their strategies.

18. Opportunity to build thriving communities

Building community is all the rage right now. Brands and creators are at it left, right and center. Starting a podcast gives you a reason to create your own community too. Plus, it's necessary — because podcasts can't exist in a vacuum. If you eventually plan to sell a course or a product, building a fun community where like-minded folks can hang out will not only increase your brand's visibility and generate more streams of income.

19. Relish SEO benefits

SEO benefits of podcasts are jaw-dropping. High organic search traffic, enhanced link building, and more visitors to your website are just a few reasons why podcasting and SEO work great together.

20. NFTs and Podcasts

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Podcasts are digital content. How about making an NFT out of your episodes?
Brian McCullough, the owner of a podcast called 'Techmeme Ride Home" made an  NFT out of his podcast episode with Garry Tan.
We can only imagine what amazing things can happen when NFTs and podcasting fully join forces.

21. Impact of remote work

Around 52% of people enjoy listening to podcasts at home. Add to it the rise in remote workers, and freelancers. Clearly, more people are likely to tune into podcasts in the coming years.

22. Good quality content triumphs, always

According to influencer marketing hub, 65% of people listen to entire episodes. Our attention spans might be getting shorter, but content that's truly engaging will always hold its audience.

23. Feature-rich podcasting tools

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Today, starting a podcast entails minimal costs. Especially with podcasting platforms like Listnr, you can create a podcast in just minutes. Plus record, edit, distribute, and monetize it too, all in one place. A  laptop and a topic to talk about is all that you need. Listnr also has an in-built AI-powered analytics feature that recommends ways to grow your podcast and provides super insightful data about your streams, downloads, engagement rates, and average listening time.

Final words

From being financially rewarding, and providing great exposure in high trust environments, to being a medium for channeling your creativity — podcasting has opened multiple doors to success.
Audio is having its moment and 2022 seems like the perfect time to start a podcast. Record your podcast today.